To make shopping a breeze at our local NJ/NY markets and PopUps, we are taking PRE-ORDERS for pick up.
Scroll down to order.
All PREORDERS must be received by Thursday 11am or specific date mentioned for preorder pick ups PRIOR to the date of the market

Look below and choose the specific market, meetup spot or request for local delivery and date you - ADD LOCATION TO YOUR CART
Choose the items and quantities desired from the list below. Only those products on this page will be available for pick up at this week
When you are ready to checkout, go to Shopping Cart. MARK IN-PERSON MARKET PICK-UP instead of USPS shipping
Put your billing address as the shipping address
Complete checkout
THANK YOU for supporting our small business. Without you we couldn't be here.
Please reach out to if you have a special request of if you prefer to pay over the phone.
We also accept Venmo. Use Venmo @LisaMRogers BUT PLEASE NO DESCRIPTION OR EMOJIES. ONLY write "FRIDAY" or a separate fee will be charged.
NOTE: The markets and events are taking the cues from the CDC and other applicable federal, state, and municipal agencies. All precautions and safe distance will be exercised.